Smaroula Giouli

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Smaroula Giouli (Greek Σμαρούλα Γιούλη) was a Greek stage and screen actress.

Giouli was born in Thessaloniki, in 1934. She studied in the Drama School of Dimitris Rontiris, making her film debut at age 9 in the 1943 movie "Η φωνή της καρδιάς" (The cry of the heart).

Giouli first appeared on stage in 1948 in the play "Χαρούμενα νιάτα" (Happy youth). By 1958, she had her own theatre group and by 1960 her own theatre.

Giouli died on March 7, 2012. She was married to Vangelis Livadas who pre-deceased her by 100 days.


  • 1943 ΦΩΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΡΔΙΑΣ, Η (The cry of the heart)
  • 1948 ΧΑΜΕΝΟΙ ΑΓΓΕΛΟΙ (The lost angels)
  • 1949 ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΑ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ (The last mission)
  • 1950 ΕΛΑ ΣΤΟ ΘΕΙΟ (Come to uncle)
  • 1951 ΕΚΕΙΝΕΣ ΠΟΥ ΔΕΝ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ Ν' ΑΓΑΠΟΥΝ (The ones who shouldn't love)
  • 1952 ΠΥΡΓΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΙΠΠΟΤΩΝ, Ο (The tower of the knights)
  • 1953 ΣΩΦΕΡΑΚΙ, ΤΟ (The little chauffeur)
  • 1954 ΚΟΡΙΤΣΙ ΤΗΣ ΓΕΙΤΟΝΙΑΣ, ΤΟ (The neighbourhood girl)
  • 1954 ΑΝΕΜΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΜΙΣΟΥΣ, Ο (The wind of hatred)
  • 1954 ΑΝΟΙΧΤΗ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΑ (Open Sea)
  • 1955 ΓΛΕΝΤΙ, ΛΕΦΤΑ ΚΙ ΑΓΑΠΗ (Merriment, money and love)
  • 1955 ΟΡΓΑΝΑΚΙ, ΤΟ (The little organ)
  • 1956 ΚΑΦΕΤΖΟΥ, Η (The coffee reader)
  • 1956 ΘΥΣΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΑΝΑΣ, Η (The sacrifice of a mother)
  • 1957 ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑΣ, Ο (The womaniser)
  • 1957 ΜΕΓΑΛΟΚΑΡΧΑΡΙΑΣ (The great shark)
  • 1957 ΤΗΣ ΝΥΧΤΑΣ ΤΑ ΚΑΜΩΜΑΤΑ (Night's whims)
  • 1957 ΡΑΝΤΕΒΟΥ ΜΕ ΤΟΝ ΕΡΩΤΑ (A date with love)
  • 1957 ΠΕΙΡΑΣΜΟΣ, Ο (The temptation)
  • 1958 ΛΕΦΤΑΣ, Ο (Mr Moneybag)
  • 1958 ΚΑΘΕ ΕΜΠΟΔΙΟ ΓΙΑ ΚΑΛΟ (All obstacles are for a good purpose)
  • 1958 ΤΕΣΣΕΡΙΣ ΝΥΦΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΝΑΣ ΓΑΜΠΡΟΣ (Four brides and one groom)
  • 1958 ΜΙΣΟΓΥΝΗΣ, Ο (The misogynist)
  • 1959 ΣΤΟΥΡΝΑΡΑ 288 (288 Stournara Street)
  • 1960 ΝΥΧΤΕΣ ΣΤΟ ΜΙΡΑΜΑΡΕ (Nights at Miramare)
  • 1961 ΦΤΩΧΑΔΑΚΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΛΕΦΤΑΔΕΣ (Paupers and rich men)
  • 1962 ΘΟΔΩΡΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΔΙΚΑΝΟ, Ο (Theodore and the shotgun)
  • 1965 ΕΝΩΝΕΙ Ο ΠΟΝΟΣ ΔΥΟ ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ (Pain unites two hearts)