Arsenios of Paros

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Venerable Arsenios of Paros (1800-1877)

Venerable Arsenios of Paros (1800-1877) was a remarkable confessor, spiritual guide, educator, ascetic, wonder-worker and healer. Feast days: January 31 and August 18 (uncovering of his relics). He is a saint local to the Metropolis of Paronaxia under the jurisdiction of the Church of Greece.[1] St Arsenius of Paros was glorified by the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1967.


"Practice self-observation. And if you want to benefit yourself and your fellow men, look at your own faults and not those of others. The Lord tells us: "Judge not, that ye be not judged," condemn not that ye be not condemned. And the Apostle Paul says: "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant?"
"If you want Christ to bless you and what you have, when you meet some poor individual, who is hungry and asks you for food, give him. Also, when you know that some poor man, or a widow, or an orphan are hungry, do not wait for them to ask you for food, but give them. Give with pleasure, and be not afraid that your will become indigent. Have faith that Christ invisibly blesses your few possessions, and you shall never starve, nor will you be in want till the end of your life."

End notes

  1. This very wise, wondrous, and most virtuous Father is called by some St. Arsenios the New, in order to distinguish him from St. Arsenios the Great, who lived in the fourth and fifth centuries. He is better known as St. Arsenios of Paros', because, although born in Ioannina, Epirus, on January 31, 1800, he dwelt in the island of Paros — one of the Cyclades — during the second half of his life, from 1840 to 1877.


  • Constantine Cavarnos. Modern Orthodox Saints, Vol. 6: St. Arsenios of Paros. Belmont, Mass.: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1978, 2nd, augmented edition, 1988. 124 pp., 4 illus. ISBN 0-914744-80-1.
  • Arsenios of Paros at Orthodoxwiki.

External links