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The modern post office in [[Greece]] uses Hermes as its symbol and the first Greek stamps ever issued portrayed his head.
== Cult ==
Though temples to Hermes existed throughout [[Greece]], a center of his cult was at Pheneos in [[Arcadia prefecture|Arcadia]], where festivals in his honor were called ''Hermoea''.
As a crosser of boundaries, ''Hermēs Psychopompos''' ("conductor of the soul") was a [[psychopomp]], meaning he brought newly-dead souls to the underworld, [[Hades]]. In the Homeric ''Hymn to Demeter'' Hermes conducts the [[Kore]] safely back to [[Demeter]]. He also brought dreams to living mortals.
Hermes as an inventor of fire is a parallel of the titan [[Prometheus]]. In addition to the [[syrinx]] and the [[lyre]], Hermes invented many types of racing and the sport of boxing. In the 6th century the traditional bearded phallic Hermes was reimagined as an athletic youth, statues of the new type of Hermes stood at stadia and gymnasiums throughout Greece.
In very ancient Greece, Hermes was a phallic god of boundaries. His name in the form ''herma'' referred to a wayside marker pile of stones; each traveller added a stone to the pile. In the 6th century, Hipparchos, the son of [[Pisistratus]] replaced the cairns that marked the midway point between each village ''[[deme]]'' at the central ''[[agora]]'' of Athens with a square or rectangular pillar of stone or bronze topped by a bust of Hermes usually with a beard; an erect phallus rose from the base. In the more primitive "Cyllenian" herms, the standing stone or wooden pillar was frankly simply a phallus. The ''hermai'' were used to mark roads and boundaries. In [[Athens]], they were placed outside houses for good luck.
In [[415 BCEBC]], when the Athenian fleet was about to set sail for [[Syracuse]] during the [[Peloponnesian War]], all of the Athenian hermai were vandalized. The Athenians at the time believed it was the work of saboteurs, either from Syracuse or the anti-war faction within Athens itself. [[Socrates]]' pupil [[Alcibiades]] was suspected to have been involved, and Socrates indirectly paid for the impiety with his life.
=== Hermes' [[iconography]] ===
Hermes was usually portrayed wearing a broad-brimmed traveller's hat or a winged cap (petasos or more commonly [[petasus]]), wearing winged sandals ([[talaria]]) and carrying his Near Eastern herald's staff, entwined by copulating serpents, called the ''kerykeion'', more familiar in its Latinized form, the ''[[caduceus]]''. He wore the garments of a traveler, worker or shepherd. He was represented by purses, roosters and tortoises.
== Birth ==
Hermes was born on [[Mount Kyllini|Mount Cyllene]] in [[Arcadia prefecture|Arcadia]] to [[Maia]]. As the story is told in the [[Homeric Hymn]], the ''[[Hymn to Hermes]],'' Maia was a nymph, but Greeks generally applied the name to a midwife or a wise and gentle old woman, so the nymph appears to have been an ancient one, one of the [[Pleiades (mythology)|Pleiades]] taking refuge in a cave of Arcadia.
The god was precocious: on the day of his birth, by midday he had invented the lyre, using the shell of a tortoise, and by nightfall he had rustled the immortal cattle of [[Apollo]]. For the first Olympian sacrifice, the taboos surrounding the sacred kine of Apollo had to be transgressed, and the trickster god of boundaries was the one to do it.
*[[Walter Burkert]], 1985. ''Greek Religion,''
*Antoine Faivre, 1995.''The Eternal Hermes : From Greek God to Alchemical Magus'' translated by Josceleyn Godwin (Phanes) ISBN 0-933999-52-6.
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[[Category:Greek gods]]

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