Talk:Hugh de Champlitte

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How can we relate this to Greek history? I propose a new category, something like "Latin Empire", that can be a sub-category in Byzantine Empire. Or, we can have both as subcategories to "Mediaeval Greece", itself a sub-category of Greek history. What sayeth ye? --Irlandos 03:15, February 13, 2009 (EST)

Hugh was involved in the battle of Constantinople, battles around Thessaloniki; 3 battler in Pelopponese, was a "ruler" in Achaia for one year, died in Greece. His and his uncle's descendends still live in Greece and are Greek. He is part of Greek History the same wasy as Ypsilantis and Kolokotronis were. Akrogiali

I agree he belongs but how do we categorise him? We like to tie historical subjects together through categories and subcategories. If you look at Category:History of Greece (below), you will see what I mean --Irlandos 07:59, February 13, 2009 (EST)

There are some categories like: Medieval Greece; Byzantine Greece; Greek Families; (Greece: Frank Rulers); (Greece: Latin Rulers);

Also with the opportunity: You change the word "Greek" to "Greek Language". That is wrong: Greeks speak Greek. The question is: Do you Speak Greek? The Alphabet is Greek. Greeks speak Greek. The word "Language" never appears in our spoken or written Greek. Why changing everything from Greek: (NAME) to Greek Language: (Name). It does not make any sense.


Akrogiali, in English "Greek" is an adjective. An adjective modifies a noun. In your case, you it modifies the Greek language. The entry "Greek" will send you to a disambiguation page. Greek language will send you directly to the language. You are correct in saying that the word "language" should not appear. This is achieved by writing Greek. The reader will see "Greek" but a click will send him to the article on the Greek language. --Irlandos 03:40, February 14, 2009 (EST)

Latins were the "Italians" in Greece. Acciaiuli; Pallavicini;Zaccaria; Dalle Carceri; Sanudo; Dandolo; Crispo; Ghisi;Sommaripa etc.

The Champlittes were from France. Anyone who was not a Latin, was a "Frank" that includes the Dutch (Flanders and Hainault) the Germans: Hohenstaufen the French: Courtenay; De La Roche; d'Anjou; de Brienne;de Valois; De Burgundy; de Champagne; etc. Latins and Franks are two different "races".

There is no true Greek without Latin blood and there is no true Latin without Greek blood. (una fatsa una ratsa)


Ok then the category will shall use for Franks and Latins that descended upon us after 1204 will be "Medieval Greece". I will even go along with your spelling (ain't I a nice guy!) as here we write "Mediaeval". Btw, both English and American spellings are used in this site. We are quite easy-going and don't minder either (ay-ther/ee-ther - again your choice). All the best - --Irlandos 03:40, February 14, 2009 (EST)

Just for your knowledge (I am not trying to be clever but many people, even historians do not know and don't want to know).

The history splits into 4 periods (after the year 0): The Roman empire --> Split into East Roman Empire and West Roman Empire. West Roman Empire lost to Goths, Franks etc. East Roman Empire remained strong until 1453. From 1453 was split up into the Empire of Trapezond and the Despotates of Epirus, Mistra, etc. The word Byzantium Appears to cover the history of the East Roman Empire. From 1453 (coinciding with the fall of Constantinople) and the Rise of the Ottoman Empire the Medieval History begins. The Medieval History end with the death of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great.

So, Theoretically Byzantine History covers the period from Constantine to Palaiologos; Medieval from 1450 - 1800. Venetian Rule from about 800 - 1950 (Ionian Island, Cyclades, etc)

The last Category for Greece should be Modern Greece. Creating categories is like building schools. You need children students first.
