University of Patras

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The University of Patras was founded in the city of Patras in 1964 and it began functioning in the academic year 1966-67.


It was established primarily with the intention to concentrate on science, technology, economics, business administration and social sciences. In the proposal for a new University, which was the result of an International Conference in August 1964, it is stated that the role of the University of Patras is to set an example of a highly qualified Institution of higher learning and serve as a stimulus for the modernisation of the entire Greek higher education system.

Priority was given to the fields where highly trained personnel will be needed for the realisation of the economic development of the country. The above objectives had, in the course of time, to be adapted to new prospects arising from the recognition of the role of knowledge and technology in social and cultural growth and the contribution the University is expected to make towards solving major regional, national and even international problems.

It is the third largest University in the country and the fastest growing one, with 18,500 undergraduate students, 2000 post-graduate students, 670 teaching staff, 369 administrative personnel and 403 teaching and research assistants. The initial emphasis on science and technology has been extended to other academic areas such as health sciences and humanities. Today, its twenty-two Departments with a large number of sectors and consequently a great range of disciplines, reflect a balanced academic environment.

The University has established a reputation for innovation and excellence, renowned for research of the highest calibre and for a high quality academic environment. The University of Patras has been recognised internationally as a major centre of higher education and as an excellent centre of scholarly inquiry and critical thinking. The above, along with the creation and transmission of new knowledge, enables its students to pursue the greatest development and highest achievement both for their own benefit and for that of society.


The University campus is 7 kilometres East of the city of Patras, in the area of Rion.

It is a self-contained campus in a beautiful location at the foot of mount Panachaico with a view over the Gulf of Corinth to the mountains of Central Greece across the water.

The University was initially housed in a building in the centre of Patras. Very soon it became clear that there was need for a new campus to meet the demands of a fast growing University. The wooded campus area of about 600 acres was selected in 1968 and was appropriated on behalf of the University.

Today, buildings of a total area of 210,100 m2 have been fully completed and are functioning. New buildings are under construction. The campus has not been completed yet, although the rate of completion is the highest in the country. The total number of lecture halls in the different building units is 115. Within the campus there is also the Regional University Teaching Hospital which functions both as the major regional medical centre and as a teaching facility for the Faculty of Medicine. Concurrently there is a continuous effort to upgrade and improve the landscape within the campus, although extensive infrastructure projects, landscaping and athletic facilities have been completed.

Several other facilities are available on campus including a gymnasium and a swimming pool, a nursery school, a primary and secondary school for the children of faculty and staff, a post-office.

In addition to constructing new buildings, new sites at the surroundings have been appropriated on behalf of the University.

There are free car parks located all over the campus. The campus has many open-spaces,green shady areas covered with characteristically Mediterranean olive groves.

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