Monotonic orthography

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Monotonic orthography is the simplified way for spelling modern Greek introduced in 1982. It replaces all the traditional Greek accents - acute (οξεία), grave (βαρεία) and circumflex (περισπωμένη) with only one, the accent sign (τονικό σημάδι) and abandons the use of the aspiration marks - psile (ψιλή) and daseia (δασεία).

The simplification was justified by the fact that the polytonic orthography was complex and difficult to learn, and the aspiration marks had no significance in modern speech, merely giving some etymological information about the words and their ancient pronunciation. The simplification is frowned upon by some people who believe that the polytonic orthography provides a cultural link to the past. The Greek Orthodox Church, for example, continues to use polytonic orthography, and some books are still published in polytonic.

See also

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