Tossizza Museum

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Tossizza Museum

The old home of the Tossizza family is now a unique Museum of traditional Art of Epirus and provides an interesting knowledge on home life of noted wealthy families. Covers the period from the 4th through the 19th century.

Built in 1661, renovation commenced in 1952 and was completed in 1952, with funds from the estate of the Baron Michael Tossizza Foundation.

Visitors can see folk art and traditional household objects, costumes and weapons, as well as an interesting coin collection which includes pieces from the time of Constantine the Great through Andronicus II Palaeologus. Also many paintings from the Post-Byzantine era by Damaskinos and others.

Visitors can also see the apartment where the late Evangelos Averoff lived during his frequent visits to Metsovo. In the same building rooms are available for prominent guests invited by the foundation.

Museum Operating Hours

The Museum is open everyday and holidays except Thursdays.

  • Winter time: 8:30 AM -13:00 PM and 15:00 PM -17:00 PM
  • Summer time: 8:30 AM -13:30 PM and 16:00 PM - 18:00 PM