Georgios Kaphantaris

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Georgios Kaphantaris (alternative spellings: Kafantaris or Kafandaris) was a Greek Venizelist politician, born in Anatoliki Frangista, Evritania prefecture in 1873.

He served in Venizelos' cabinet as Agriculture Minister but disagreed with him as far as holding elections while the Greek Army was still involved in Asia Minor. In the elections that ensued, Venizelos' Liberal Party ("Κόμμα των Φιλελευθέρων") was ousted and Kaphantaris left the country for France and Italy. He returned after the Asia Minor Disaster and was named Minister of Justice. In 1924, Prime Minister Venizelos resigned for health reasons and hand picked Kaphantaris as his successor. Kaphantaris showed moderation in the matter of the abolition of the Monarchy and was forced to resign barely a month later.

He opposed the Pangalos' dictatorship and, after its overthrow, took part in several more governments as Minister of Finance.

He died on August 28, 1946.

Preceded by:
Eleftherios Venizelos
Prime Minister of Greece
February 19, 1924 - March 12, 1924
Succeeded by:
Alexandros Papanastasiou